Share Your Testimony

Jan 11th, 2011 by admin | 0

If you would like to share your testimony of salvation with us, you may send it to us using the Contact link above.  We will post it below for our site visitors to read.

2 Comments on “Share Your Testimony”

  1. Brad Whitley said:

    Have you ever felt God?

    I have. I was a lost religious man of 22 years old, and on my way to a devils hell. I was a baptized and confirmed member of the church, a reader at services, a Sunday school teacher, and communicant. I never missed church.

    What I failed to see was how lost I was. One night, after reading the Bible, and failing to go to sleep, I began to weep and ask God to forgive me of my sins. It took 3 years of praying and wrestling to get past the tears and know salvation. I had to leave the church of my membership and press on to The Lord.

    The day after I left the church, I felt joy and peace. I knew Jesus was my Lord And Saviour. I began putting off the old man, and living for Jesus Christ. I have felt Him and His presence. I know my Redeemer liveth!

    Pray sinner and seek Him. He will save you!

  2. Paul Bryson said:

    Dear brother Brad,
    Thank you so much for leaving a heartfelt experience for the lost to read. I have just now read your experience due to being out of the country.
    I just returned from Kenya a couple of weeks ago. If it is the Lord’s will; I will be going to India this coming Saturday night. This will be my first time to go there. There was such a short time between me going to Kenya and going to India; I didn’t have time to get the Visa from the Indian Embassy. The holidays in India and Labor day here, caused everything to just stand still for four days. Also, the Indian government was going through a changeover in the governmental departments. I worked feverishly for a week trying to get one of the companies that will get your Visa overnight to get mine. I finally found a woman that said that she would do it but would cost me Fifty dollars. Even though the airlines had already charged me $300 to change my itinerary; I told her to go right ahead. I do hope it comes before Saturday so I won’t have to change it again.
    Several people from India worked on my computer or other equipment, and asked me what I was doing. That gave me a chance to talk to them about the Lord. Seven out of eight asked me to come to India. The Lord was also dealing with me about going. The last man I talked to put the finishing touch to it. He said, “Why don’t you come to India and give this good news to my Indian brothers? I have never heard of this Jesus you talk about or the Bible.” By the time I had finished reading his letter; I was heart broken.
    I trust the Lord is blessing you and lost souls are being saved. There were many of our churches had a good year of the Lord blessing them with souls being saved. It is badly needed everywhere.
    I just want you to know that the invitation for you to come to Union Hill Missionary Baptist Church to preach, is still wide open. You would be more than welcome to come. If you want to come; just let me know and I will be sure that the Sunday you come will be open. Or, you don’t have to come on a Sunday. if it would work out better for you to come on Wednesday or and other time; we can arrange that too. I know you are teaching school and that makes problems. But if it is a time when school is not in session; that would be just fine with us.
    Please remember us in prayer as this little piece of dust goes before the lost and dying world to tell them about Jesus.
    Your very unworthy brother,
    Bro. paul

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